g7 master6

SmithBates has been G7® Master Qualified since June, 2012 on its press equipment and certified proofs. G7® Master Status indicates that we have calibrated our equipment and systems to G7® gray balance and neutral tone curves and are capable of delivering G7® proofs and print products.

G7® specifies the components of an image that define a similar “visual appearance” to the human eye. This is accomplished by defining a colormetric definition for gray balance and specifying a gray balance in the mid-tones, image weight and image contrast from the highlights to the shadows. G7® is a device independent definition of grayscale appearance and a calibration method for adjusting any CMYK imaging device to simulate the G7® grayscale definition.

G7® is a registered trademarks of IDEAlliance®, a non-profit industry industry association guiding and publishing print media methodologies, specifications, and standards.

»You can find out more at www.IDEAlliance.org.


fsc® certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is an international non-profit organization that has developed principles and criteria to independently certify forests and forest products and recognize responsible forest management. The certification is granted by certification bodies who are accredited to certify companies to FSC standards. The FSC check mark tree logo certifies that materials used in projects are from well managed forests and other responsible sources.

To display the FSC logo on printed products, SmithBates maintains certain policies and procedures for tracking FSC Certified paper through the print production process. We also maintain records of FSC certified inventory for an annual audit to ensure compliance. Our FSC license code is FSC-C103525

blue sky champion partner 

We are a Blue Sky Champion Partner in Pacific Power’s renewable energy program. SmithBates’ goal is to rely on renewable energy sources for at least 30% of our power requirements by partnering with Pacific Power as a Blue Sky Champion and as an EPA Green Partner.

Sky Champion and as an EPA Green Partner.

bluesky greenpower

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